Simple, positive advice + support for start ups, sole traders and small businesses

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Many businesses face almost identical issues at multiple points in their evolution.

I understand the challenges that start-ups, sole traders and small businesses face in this ever-challenging climate and offer simple UPBEAT! solutions to free up your time, reduce stress and improve your bottom line. 

It takes a range of skills to set up and run a business and chances are that while you are brilliant at what you do, there are areas where you may need advice and support. 

Whether you are struggling to find time to do any ‘work’, in need of structure and clear workflows, require project specific help, looking to grow/streamline or simply feeling overwhelmed, I can help.

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Why work with me? I’m a freelance construction industry specialist with 15+ years’ experience working alongside business owners and supporting teams in the design and construction industry.  My clients range from architects and artists to heritage and planning consultants and I offer a wide range of services including flexible support and advice to suit individual business needs.